ATR’s Environmental Performance Gets Seal of Approval
ATR has recently renewed its ISO14001 certification and demonstrated again its commitment to minimising its impact on the environment, through a robust Environmental Management System.
Maintaining its ISO14001 certification is essential for ATR to meet the expectations of its stakeholders. It is also its responsibility, as a world leader, to set a good example and actively contribute to a more sustainable aviation industry. Despite a challenging year, ATR has reaffirmed its commitment to sustainability and preserving the environment.
From June to November, a detailed audit of ATR’s Environmental Management System has been performed by AFNOR — the French national organisation for standardisation. It showed the robustness of the company’s processes and an overall improvement of its environmental performance throughout the years, for both onsite activities and products. The assessment was very positive and granted ATR the renewal of its ISO14001 certification.
The international standard ISO14001 defines a series of requirements with which organisations must comply to manage and limit the environmental impact of their activities, based on a continuous improvement approach.
For ATR, this means continuing to reduce CO2 emissions, preserve biodiversity and limit the use of hazardous substances, as defined in the company’s Environmental policy, signed by Stefano Bortoli, CEO of ATR, in 2019.